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Brancaster Boards -  Proud to Support:
Future Leaders in Outdoor Adventure Trust (FLOAT)

Grants available to assist under represented groups  in accessing a professional career in outdoor adventure sports.  


Born from a desire to share the joy of the sea, the power of the outdoors and the adventure of life, Brancaster Boards has always put reducing barriers to the outdoors, facilitating access, and growing a wonderful community at the heart of our operations. 


In the ethos of raising up those around us, Brancaster Boards is committed to setting aside a percentage of profits each year to offer grants to assist with either the costs of competing, or of training professionally or for projects that otherwise address inequality of representation.

If you would like to apply , or have more information, please head to the FLOAT website for more details and to apply! 

Brancaster Boards Foundation: About Me
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